I just want to know if you have some ideas related to a pallet management
We manage articles : article type “FRIP” (perishables) and for this article type, we have suppliers/stores orders suppliers/stores deliveries goods receipts from suppliers/ goods issues for stores bills for stores / invoices control for suppliers.
I have to find a way to manage pallets as transport help equipment (not linked to any articles) and I don’t know exactly which article type I have to used
There will be around 15 articles “palets” (= reference palets)
The goal is to track reference pallets from suppliers to platforms and from platforms to stores : So to know how many reference pallets are received on platform ( with a good receipt from a supplier to a platform) and how many reference pallets are send from a platform to a store ( with a good issue from a platform to a store)
The value of these reference palets is 0 : So, there is no bill / no invoice control for these articles . There is also no order for these reference pallets . In first approach, there will only good receipts or good issues (maybe claims to adjust quantities) for these reference pallets articles.