Cyan360 IT services Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:29:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SAP GRC Upgrade to Access Control 10.1 Tue, 24 Nov 2015 03:58:21 +0000 Register Now!

Please join Cyan360 for a complimentary webinar

“SAP GRC Upgrade to Access Control 10.1”

on Thursday, December 10 at 2 p.m. EST.

Why Should You Attend?

We will be sharing valuable lessons learned for companies planning to upgrade to the latest version of GRC Access Control 10.1 from older GRC Access Control installations.

Why is it Important?

1. SAP’s plan to End support of older releases of GRC
2. Significant improvement in the performance
3. Leveraging New Features offered in SAP GRC Access Control 10.1 release.

Join Dharma Dumpala (DD), SAP GRC/Security Architect to learn about Upgrade methodology including planning, migration/configuration, testing, and go-live activities.

Key points addressed include:
• New features and benefits of the product
• Upgrade paths/procedures
• Upgrade pain points

This is a great opportunity to engage directly with top GRC experts and gain insight to successfully plan your SAP GRC upgrade journey.

This 30 minutes webcast is free to join.

The Cyan360 Team

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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FOUR ESSENTIALS FOR INTERACTIVE MARKETING Fri, 13 Nov 2015 17:14:17 +0000 Interactive Marketing means engaging each customer and prospect in a cross-channel dialogue that builds upon his or her past and current behavior.

The essential technology characteristics to enable your transition to Interactive Marketing are:

  1. Customer awareness
  2. Centralized decisioning
  3. Cross-channel execution
  4. Integrated marketing operations


Active listening is the ability to capture what a customer is saying – both explicitly and implicitly. Capture a customer’s behavior across all online and offline channels. Use this information to determine what to say next requires a technology solution that can leverage and process both historical and present situation, identify actionable insights, alert you when potential opportunities arise, and predict outcomes.

To make all this possible your interactive marketing solution requires:

  • Customer Analytics
  • Web Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Event Detection


Imagine a conversation between two people. What if one person couldn’t remember what the other had said a minute before? Or if they could only remember part of the discussion – like what was discussed on the phone, but not what had taken place over lunch? Such a conversation would be deeply frustrating and profoundly alienating. The ability to carry on a continuing dialogue over time and across channels is fundamental to Interactive Marketing. Centralized decisioning enables you to “think before you speak” to your customer, and speak based on a complete memory of your conversations with the customer to date. It’s essential to engaging customers in an effective dialogue.

To make this happen, Interactive Marketing incorporates everything you have captured through your analytics and awareness strategies to drive:

  • Segmentation
  • Offer Management
  • Real time targeting
  • Interaction history


Traditional campaign management systems were often designed to support outbound push marketing. But today’s customers seamlessly move across channels in the course of making a single buying decision. The most effective Interactive Marketing solution operates through any outbound or inbound channel with ease, and manages conversations that continue throughout as many interactions as necessary to help customers reach their goals.

An effective Interactive Marketing solution offers capabilities that support flawless cross-channel execution including:

  • Outbound fulfillment
  • Inbound integration
  • Lead management


Interactive Marketing requires strong foundation to increase your efficiency, and gain better control over your processes. Foundational support provided by marketing operations capabilities align resources to objectives, streamline production processes, track budgets and expenses, and improve team collaboration.

You can improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness by effectively:

  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Integrated campaign planning and execution
  • Standardized workflow
  • Online approvals and electronic proofing


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New Blog Series: CAR Tip in a Minute Fri, 17 Jul 2015 14:37:42 +0000

We know our partner community is itching to demonstrate amazing things with SAP Customer Activity Repository powered by SAP HANA. To accelerate your critical path to success, we’ve tapped directly into the development team behind the product in order to introduce this new blog series.

With the CAR Tip in a Minute, you can expect fast, simple, and easy-to-implement technical tips and tricks straight from the development team themselves! Our team of experts will be steadily streaming their best practices on a wide variety of subjects, from the back-end views all the way to front-end implementation. You’ll also become more familiar with product documentation, technical tidbits, and videos you probably never knew existed!

Have Your Say

Don’t want to wait for your hot topic to show up?  Send us an email and let us know what you’re curious about!

Stay tuned for the next CAR Tip in a Minute, coming soon on the CAR Partner Development Center powered by the SAP Community Network.


We know our partner community is itching to demonstrate amazing things with SAP Customer Activity Repository powered by SAP HANA. To accelerate your critical path to success, we’ve tapped directly into the development team behind the product in order to introduce this new blog series.

With the CAR Tip in a Minute, you can expect fast, simple, and easy-to-implement technical tips and tricks straight from the development team themselves! Our team of experts will be steadily streaming their best practices on a wide variety of subjects, from the back-end views all the way to front-end implementation. You’ll also become more familiar with product documentation, technical tidbits, and videos you probably never knew existed!

Have Your Say

Don’t want to wait for your hot topic to show up?  Send us an email and let us know what you’re curious about!

Stay tuned for the next CAR Tip in a Minute, coming soon on the CAR Partner Development Center powered by the SAP Community Network.

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What is difference between a multi-channel and omni-channel customer experience ? Tue, 14 Jul 2015 11:33:04 +0000 Multi-channel strategy allows customers to use the channel of their choice.  Multichannel is an operational view. Omni-channel, however,  is all about customer experience, orchestrating the customer experience across all channels so that it is seamless, integrated and consistent. Omni-channel includes the addition of social and mobile channels and anticipates that customers may start in one channel and move to another as they progress to a resolution.  Making these complex “hand-offs” between channels must be transparent for the customer.  Simply put, Omni-channel is Multichannel done right!

Omni-channel done right – Search Strategies – Organic search and paid search go hand in hand as they significantly affect one another. By implementing a search strategy, you can improve the number of searches for your brand and also drive more visits to your website or store.

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10 best practices for successful project management Tue, 09 Jun 2015 19:34:38 +0000 The right mix of planning, monitoring, and controlling can make the difference in completing a project on time, on budget, and with high quality results. These guidelines will help you ‘plan the work and work the plan.’

Given the high rate of project failures, you might think that companies would be happy to just have their project finish with some degree of success. That’s not the case. Despite the odds, organizations expect projects to be completed faster, cheaper, and better. The only way that these objectives can be met is through the use of effective project management processes and techniques. This list outlines the major phases of managing a project and discusses key steps, including:

  • Using a project definition document
  • Creating a planning horizon
  • Monitoring the schedule and budget
  • Staying alert for several specific warning signs
  • Making sure scope change requests are approved by the project sponsorexcellence
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Pallet Management in SAP retail Tue, 02 Jun 2015 12:49:36 +0000

I just want to know if you have some ideas related to a pallet management


We manage  articles : article  type   “FRIP”  (perishables)  and for this article type,   we have  suppliers/stores orders        suppliers/stores deliveries     goods receipts from suppliers/ goods issues for stores           bills for stores / invoices control for suppliers.


I have to find a way to manage pallets as transport help equipment (not linked to any articles) and I don’t know  exactly which article type  I have to used




There will be  around 15 articles “palets”  (= reference palets)


The goal  is to track    reference  pallets   from suppliers to platforms   and from     platforms to stores :  So to know how many  reference pallets  are received on platform ( with a good receipt from a supplier to a platform) and        how many  reference pallets  are send  from a platform to a store ( with a good issue from a platform to a store)


The  value of these reference palets   is  0 :   So, there is no bill   / no invoice control  for these articles .   There  is also no order for these reference pallets .  In first approach, there will  only   good receipts or  good issues  (maybe claims to adjust quantities) for these reference pallets     articles.

I just want to know if you have some ideas related to a pallet management

We manage  articles : article  type   “FRIP”  (perishables)  and for this article type,   we have  suppliers/stores orders        suppliers/stores deliveries     goods receipts from suppliers/ goods issues for stores           bills for stores / invoices control for suppliers.

I have to find a way to manage pallets as transport help equipment (not linked to any articles) and I don’t know  exactly which article type  I have to used


There will be  around 15 articles “palets”  (= reference palets)

The goal  is to track    reference  pallets   from suppliers to platforms   and from     platforms to stores :  So to know how many  reference pallets  are received on platform ( with a good receipt from a supplier to a platform) and        how many  reference pallets  are send  from a platform to a store ( with a good issue from a platform to a store)

The  value of these reference palets   is  0 :   So, there is no bill   / no invoice control  for these articles .   There  is also no order for these reference pallets .  In first approach, there will  only   good receipts or  good issues  (maybe claims to adjust quantities) for these reference pallets     articles.  
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Mobile Consumer Application Tue, 02 Jun 2015 07:13:44 +0000

This example shows how a consumer facing mobile application on top of data from the SAP Customer Activity Repository could help to attract the consumer to use the application frequently while increasing the comfort for the user and increase the sales.


The trial specific showcase is a SAP UI5 example how customers or partners could leverage SAP Customer Activity Repository services integrate valuable input into a customer specific consumer app. It is a CAR trial specific implementation geared to showcase the potential using ODATA services build on standard CAR Virtual Data models to:

  • retrieve a sales history
  • to support product recommendations based on the customers buying history
  • to do an article lookup in the customers buying history for a return scenario




  • A consumer has downloaded  the mobile application from his retailer ‘North Eastern Grocery’
  • He/She collect virtual stamps for every purchase that exceeds 100 USD. After 10 such stamps he/she collects a voucher for the next purchase. The SAP Customer Activity Repository is actually queried for all transactions exceeding >= 100 USD after the last voucher issue date
  • The shown promotion items actually could be proposed by a combination of SAP Customer Activity Repository, and Hybris Marketing and Customer Segmentation with usage in the product recommendation engine.
  • The second screen shows a simple QR code the consumer can use at the register to identify himself. By this the need to carry loyalty cards is obsolete and by identifying himself he automatically participates in the loyalty program but also participates in a simplified return process showcased in the final screen of the sample application
  • Simply search for an article and the last purchase receipts will show as a proof for being able to return an article. By this the need to keep and file the paper receipt is obsolete.


Explore the Mobile Consumer Application


The use clicks on the Tile named Mobile Consumer App from the Launchpad.



The consumer optimizes his process by collecting virtual stamps for every purchase. In the example a purchase of 50 USD reflects 20 Points. As soon the user has reached 100 Points he can use a voucher of 25 USD for the next purchase. To do so he can easily identify himself via an OR code. In case he wants to return a product, he can search and see all his purchased article.



This app is a responsive app and can adjust according to the device is running on, below you see how the app adapts accordingly.




Further at the cash counter you would like to earn points on the purchase you have made, to do so the user would click on the "QR Code" and simply scan the same at the cash counter. This would allow to reflect the points earned immediately on to the initial loyalty bar.




Additionally if the user wishes to return a particular article and cannot find the invoice for the same, he has got a chance now by simply clicking on "Return Articles" and search for the article and show at the cash counter.


Responsive Table.JPG


This example shows how a consumer facing mobile application on top of data from the SAP Customer Activity Repository could help to attract the consumer to use the application frequently while increasing the comfort for the user and increase the sales.


The trial specific showcase is a SAP UI5 example how customers or partners could leverage SAP Customer Activity Repository services integrate valuable input into a customer specific consumer app. It is a CAR trial specific implementation geared to showcase the potential using ODATA services build on standard CAR Virtual Data models to:

  • retrieve a sales history
  • to support product recommendations based on the customers buying history
  • to do an article lookup in the customers buying history for a return scenario




  • A consumer has downloaded  the mobile application from his retailer ‘North Eastern Grocery’
  • He/She collect virtual stamps for every purchase that exceeds 100 USD. After 10 such stamps he/she collects a voucher for the next purchase. The SAP Customer Activity Repository is actually queried for all transactions exceeding >= 100 USD after the last voucher issue date
  • The shown promotion items actually could be proposed by a combination of SAP Customer Activity Repository, and Hybris Marketing and Customer Segmentation with usage in the product recommendation engine.
  • The second screen shows a simple QR code the consumer can use at the register to identify himself. By this the need to carry loyalty cards is obsolete and by identifying himself he automatically participates in the loyalty program but also participates in a simplified return process showcased in the final screen of the sample application
  • Simply search for an article and the last purchase receipts will show as a proof for being able to return an article. By this the need to keep and file the paper receipt is obsolete.


Explore the Mobile Consumer Application


The use clicks on the Tile named Mobile Consumer App from the Launchpad.



The consumer optimizes his process by collecting virtual stamps for every purchase. In the example a purchase of 50 USD reflects 20 Points. As soon the user has reached 100 Points he can use a voucher of 25 USD for the next purchase. To do so he can easily identify himself via an OR code. In case he wants to return a product, he can search and see all his purchased article.



This app is a responsive app and can adjust according to the device is running on, below you see how the app adapts accordingly.




Further at the cash counter you would like to earn points on the purchase you have made, to do so the user would click on the "QR Code" and simply scan the same at the cash counter. This would allow to reflect the points earned immediately on to the initial loyalty bar.




Additionally if the user wishes to return a particular article and cannot find the invoice for the same, he has got a chance now by simply clicking on "Return Articles" and search for the article and show at the cash counter.


Responsive Table.JPG

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