This example shows how a consumer facing mobile application on top of data from the SAP Customer Activity Repository could help to attract the consumer to use the application frequently while increasing the comfort for the user and increase the sales.
The trial specific showcase is a SAP UI5 example how customers or partners could leverage SAP Customer Activity Repository services integrate valuable input into a customer specific consumer app. It is a CAR trial specific implementation geared to showcase the potential using ODATA services build on standard CAR Virtual Data models to:
- retrieve a sales history
- to support product recommendations based on the customers buying history
- to do an article lookup in the customers buying history for a return scenario
- A consumer has downloaded the mobile application from his retailer ‘North Eastern Grocery’
- He/She collect virtual stamps for every purchase that exceeds 100 USD. After 10 such stamps he/she collects a voucher for the next purchase. The SAP Customer Activity Repository is actually queried for all transactions exceeding >= 100 USD after the last voucher issue date
- The shown promotion items actually could be proposed by a combination of SAP Customer Activity Repository, and Hybris Marketing and Customer Segmentation with usage in the product recommendation engine.
- The second screen shows a simple QR code the consumer can use at the register to identify himself. By this the need to carry loyalty cards is obsolete and by identifying himself he automatically participates in the loyalty program but also participates in a simplified return process showcased in the final screen of the sample application
- Simply search for an article and the last purchase receipts will show as a proof for being able to return an article. By this the need to keep and file the paper receipt is obsolete.
Explore the Mobile Consumer Application
The use clicks on the Tile named Mobile Consumer App from the Launchpad.

The consumer optimizes his process by collecting virtual stamps for every purchase. In the example a purchase of 50 USD reflects 20 Points. As soon the user has reached 100 Points he can use a voucher of 25 USD for the next purchase. To do so he can easily identify himself via an OR code. In case he wants to return a product, he can search and see all his purchased article.

This app is a responsive app and can adjust according to the device is running on, below you see how the app adapts accordingly.

Further at the cash counter you would like to earn points on the purchase you have made, to do so the user would click on the "QR Code" and simply scan the same at the cash counter. This would allow to reflect the points earned immediately on to the initial loyalty bar.

Additionally if the user wishes to return a particular article and cannot find the invoice for the same, he has got a chance now by simply clicking on "Return Articles" and search for the article and show at the cash counter.